Feathering the nests of the filthy richWhat kind of decision-making forces single mothers and sick people to find paid employment so the most affluent can increase their wealth?As Misha Schubert reports on the Federal Budget in The Age, "[a]bout 190,000 people will be pushed off welfare and into jobs over the next four years under a $3.6 billion overhaul of Australia's welfare system".
Moreover, as Matt Wade reports in the Sydney Morning Herald, while a couple who both earn more than $125,000 receive $173.15 a week tax relief, plus further benefits from the elimination of the superannuation surcharge which applies to those with incomes above $99,000, a dual-income couple with annual earnings of $55,000 will get a tax cut of $9.46 a week.
This is the democratic outcome of the Coalition government of the Commonwealth of Australia, a fascist democracy crying out for reform.
Against the wishes of the overwhelming majority of Australians, this Coalition resisted the foundation of an Australian Republic and went on to repeatedly lie and cheat its way into government.
For the past decade Australia has been governed by war profiteers who gaol children and force the most disadvantaged to fill the coffers of the rich.
With a tide of revulsion welling in the minds of Australians, a light at the end of the tunnel appears with the prospect of a republic comprising women's and men's legislatures presided over by an executive of elders accompanied by courts of women's and men's jurisdiction.
Facist elites flounder with the balance of power between women and men.