Greens pioneer legitimate leadership

The Green Party of England and Wales is at the vanguard of modern political leadership with the appointment of dual Principal Speakers to its leadership group.

A recent press release on leadership elections states that "[t]he Green Party does not have a single leader but two Principal Speakers, who act as the party's figureheads, fulfilling the public and media role undertaken by the leaders of more conventional parties."

"Standing unopposed as Female Principal Speaker, Siān Berry was elected in a vote at the Party's autumn conference in Hove on 24th September."

"The election for Male Principal Speaker was contested and was decided with a postal ballot of all members, which was announced today."

"Their election puts two strong, grassroots campaigners into the Green Party's top positions, providing an ideal platform from which to seize on growing public clamour for political change and real action on issues such as climate change."

The appointment of male and female Principal Speakers paves the way for the provision of equitable and authentic democratic government comprising women's and men's legislatures presided over by an executive of elders accompanied by courts of women's and men's jurisdiction.

30 November, 2006