bureaucratic dysfunctionOn three occasions over four years employment with the Australian Public Service [APS] I gave advice to Prime Minister John Howard about a provision of a workplace agreement concerning activities erroneously entitled Shared Behaviours from the perspective of modern science that women and men have different behaviours.
I first wrote that I was a Customer Service Operator at an APS Call Centre.
"My Supervisor is female, my Section Manager is male, my Manager is female, the Teleservice Operations Manager is male, our CEO is female, the Department Secretary is male and the Minister is female. If I propose an idea to increase the productivity of expenditure on service delivery and the utilisation of human resources fourfold to my Supervisor, she may communicate the initiative from a female perspective to her Section Manager, who may communicate a male perspective of a female perspective of my initiative to his Manager, who may communicate a female perspective of a male perspective of a female perspective of my initiative to the Teleservice Operations Manager, who may communicate a male perspective of a female perspective of a male perspective of a female perspective of my initiative to the CEO, who may communicate a female perspective of a male perspective of a female perspective of a male perspective of a female perspective of my initiative to the Secretary, who may communicate a male perspective of a female perspective of a male perspective of a female perspective of a male perspective of a female perspective of my initiative to the Minister, who may communicate a female perspective of a male perspective of a female perspective of a male perspective of a female perspective of a male perspective of a female perspective of my initiative to you. The chain of command operates on the irrational notion that male and female perspectives are indistinguishable, a notion with no basis in science, existing entirely as the product of intellectual fashion subordinate to informed reason. The only rational option I have is to communicate directly with you."
Following the provision of this advice Mr Howard employed APS staff to persecute me over nine months culminating in the refusal of a Manager to remove a gruesome flesh coloured depiction of a skull posted by members of a workplace death cult, on the day my wife passed away from a stroke, an unfortunate coincidence.
On my return from bereavement Mr Howard employed a Manager under whose supervision I became inflicted with anxiety neurosis when compelling to work with a colleague who issued me with a death threat, the workplace agreement enacted in my absence on sick leave.
On the second occasion Howard referred my advice to the Minister for Family and Community Services, Senator Jocelyn Newman.
I quoted Brainsex - The Real Difference Between Men and Women [Mandarin: 1985:5].
"Men are different from women. They are equal only in their common membership of the same species, humankind. To maintain that they are the same in aptitude, skill or behaviour is to build a society based on a biological and scientific lie. The sexes are different because their brains are different. The brain, the chief administrative and emotional organ of life, is differently constructed in men and in women; it processes information in a different way, which results in different perceptions, priorities and behaviour."
I also indicated in request of an explanation as to why the APS had "refused to negotiate workplace agreements with me?" that I had been "expelled from nine Teams, on average every 56 working days, after expressing concerns about issues covered by Development Agreements".
Newman responded by employing APS staff to prohibit me from following advice obtained from the Office of the local Member of Federal Parliament Ms Tanya Plibersek to join the Commonwealth Public Sector Union.
Newman then employed a Senior Manager to again intentionally injure me with anxiety neurosis by compelling me to work with a second colleague who issued me with a death threat.
A Senior Member of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal then intentionally injured me with anxiety neurosis complicated with life-threatening rectal bleeding, forcing me from proceedings over claims for workers compensation by allowing evidence to be given in relation to the death of my wife which the Tribunal would reasonably have known would injure me.
On the third occasion Howard referred my advice to the Minister for Employment, Workplace Relations and Small Business, the Hon Tony Abbott, MP.
I indicated that "I was tried, convicted and sentenced to expulsion from the APS in absence on sick leave" when charged following the second intentionally inflicted injury with failing "to comply with a lawful and reasonable directive by expressing concern over the Agency's strategic policy of Shared Behaviours in the evaluation of employee performance".
Abbott responded by employing the Government Solicitor to meet in secret with the Australian Industrial Relations Commission to orchestrate the dismissal of an application for unfair termination of employment, the Commission refusing the admission in evidence of hundreds of pages of documented APS corruption.
The Federal Court and the High Court declined to consider the evidence, the latter in contempt of the Constitution of Australia.
Howard and his associates responded to genuine concerns about workplace relations in a lawless, cowardly and gravely despicable manner.
By refusing to acknowledge that women and men are different a cartel of malicious thugs has rendered the entire political, administrative and judicial infrastructure of the Commonwealth of Australia irrational, inherently corrupt and in urgent need of replacement.
The solution is a republic with women's and men's legislatures presided over by an executive of elders accompanied by courts of women's and men's jurisdiction.