collapse of the neoconsThe neocon revival is no exception to the rule that social fads flourish and fade.Rising with Margaret Thatcher's consumate skills of convincing men she could think like a man as the women's movement gained momentum, in alliance with Ronald Reagan, the neocon pursuit of global violence in a quest for personal greed is being consigned to oblivion under the command of the lame duck president George W. Bush.
The neocons are floundering in the same cesspool of calumny and corruption that brought down communism as the mass confusion between women's and men's communication accompanying women's liberation strips nations of vision and focuses the minds of their citizens overwhelmingly on themselves.
As Joseph Wilson, whose wife was the target of a two-year smear campaign orchestrated by senior officials in the Bush White House, writes of the collapsing remnant superpower:
"The war in Iraq has claimed more than 17,000 dead and wounded American soldiers and many times more Iraqi casualties and cost close to $US200billion ($267 billion). It has left our international reputation in tatters and our military broken. It has weakened the United States, increased hatred of us and made terrorist attacks against our interests more likely in the future."
"It has been, as General William Odom suggested, the greatest strategic blunder in the history of our country."
Similarly, the neocon regime of the pathological liar and child torturer Australian Prime Minister John Howard is falling apart as laws providing for lengthy incarceration for criticising the government are rushed through legislatures with fearful fanfare obstesibly although needlessly to counter terrorism, but effectively to silence the avalanche of allegations of government and public service corruption and incompetence sweeping the nation.
As barristers Ian Barker and Robert Toner write of Australian Attorney-General Phillip Ruddock's reforms:
"The proposed anti-terrorism bill creates control and preventive detention orders which will give the Government the ability to control, monitor and jail people who have not committed a crime. These people will not be charged with a crime."
"Fundamental to the concept of the rule of law is that citizens are entitled to due process which necessarily includes a right to know what is alleged against you and the facts that are said to support that allegation and to have the allegation determined by a court of law which stands independent of the executive government."
"Neither the person subject to the control order nor anybody acting on his or her behalf is given documentation other than the order itself which describes the basis upon which the order was made. The information that the Australian Federal Police provides may be inaccurate, maliciously informed, biased or little more than rumour or gossip clad as reliable information."
It is no coincidence these two nations have refused to sign the Kyoto protocol in recognition of the effect of human activity on global warming, their policies focused firmly in support of the neocon fantasy of the global conquest of nature.
Australia faces the prospect alluded to in the press of a frail, elderly former Prime Minister John 'Pinochet' Howard shuffling from courtroom to incarceration for commanding a regime dominated by fraud, deception and corruption.
When the dust from the neocon collapse settles, express decision-making will emerge with women's and men's legislatures presided over by an executive of elders accompanied by courts of women's and men's jurisdiction to restore world peace and personal responsibility as the centuries-long cycle of malevolence and male dominated divergence disintegrates.
November 3, 2005