diversity and life experience"Popular confidence in public institutions requires that they reflect the composition of the wider society" writes Simon Evans, director of the Centre for Comparative Constitutional Studies at Melbourne Law School, in the Sydney Morning Herald.The High Court of Australia, comprising seven men, "simply isn't the court that is best able to maintain the public confidence necessary to ensure that justice is both done and seen to be done".
"Individual values and life experience make a difference in difficult cases."
Moreover, "the British Department for Constitutional Affairs wrote last year: 'If the make-up of the judiciary as a whole is not reflective of the diversity of the nation, people may question whether judges are able fully to appreciate the circumstances in which people of different backgrounds find themselves'".
Women are denied justice before the High Court because men have no life experience of being women.
Should one or more women be appointed to vacancies the remaining men will still be judging women unfairly in the absence of life experience, as the women will unfairly judge men.
A single women's and men's jurisdiction routinely denies justice to both women and men.
Judgements involving the opposite sex reflect neither the background nor the life experience of those being judged.
Only with women's and men's jurisdictions representing the essential diversity and life experience of those before the High Court can justice and public confidence be achieved in perpetuity.