dump this wretched ConstitutionThe Australian Constitution has once again been exposed as the nation's principal impediment to democracy with the incumbent government's unscrupulous evasion of probity, fairness, integrity and decency during questioning time, the last remnant of parliamentary scrutiny available under what has become a shambolic governing authority.Referring to Health Minister Tony Abbott in words he used in Parliament to describe her colleague, opposition spokeswoman on health Julia Gillard moved that "that snivelling grub over there be not further heard''.
When asked by speaker and Coalition government member David Hawker to withdraw the comment Ms Gillard again used Mr Abbott's words that "[i]f I have offended grubs I withdraw unconditionally'', whereupon Mr Hawker barred her from the Parliament for 24 hours, a punishment Mr Abbott avoided through the government's blatantly dishonest and despicable manipulation of the parliamentary process provided under the Constitution.
When the opposition challenged Mr Hawker to rule Mr Abbott's comments unparliamentary the Coalition of grubs who comprise government lined up to trash the Constitution by defeating the motion.
Ms Gillard claimed, as reported in the Sydney Morning Herald, that "[e]very person who has been voted to sit in the House of Representatives by Australians should be treated the same".
"There's not one rule for Tony Abbott and another rule for Labor members in this parliament. There should be one rule for everyone.''
The Australian Constitution in it's present form has thrown up spiteful, belligerent, unaccountable and undemocratic government reminiscent of a third world dictatorship.
The remedy, as Ms Gillard's enlightened intervention would suggest, is government comprising women's and men's legislatures presided over by an executive of elders accompanied by courts of women's and men's jurisdiction.
June 2, 2006