elders advance reconciliation

In a defining moment for reconcilliation Australian Aborigines have convened a National Council of Elders.

With the Howard government's response to indigenous disadvantage stranded in a mire of allegations over bogus claims of paedophile rings in an apparent attempt to eliminate remote communities, as well as the national broadcaster, the ABC's censorship of concern over Howard's appointment to it's board of alleged indigenous 'holocaust' denier Keith Windschuttle, the elders in their action speak to the imminent formulation post-Howard of an Australian Republic.

Councils of elders are traditionally convened to oversee women's and men's business.

A National Council of Elders signals support for a republic comprising women's and men's legislatures presided over by an executive of elders accompanied by courts of women's and men's jurisdiction in the quest for reconciliation..

August 10, 2006
