gender apartheid

Gender apartheid is a policy segregating women and men from the same rights.

For example, at Federation the Australian Constitution provided for two legislatures from which women were prohibited and a jurisdiction at law in which women were forbidden to practice.

Through the weight of public opinion women were eventually admitted as proxy males to the men's legislatures and the men's jurisdiction, absent the same rights men granted themselves to their own legislatures and a jurisdiction at law.

These days supporters of gender apartheid, as with Attorney-General Philip Ruddock 1 2, claim that proxy males are no different from men and continue to deny women the same rights men granted themselves at Federation.

Gender apartheid is different from racial apartheid because women and men comprise all races but all races are not comprised of all men or all women.

If you support gender apartheid, like Philip Ruddock, you should vote NO to an amendment to the Constitution to provide for women's and men's legislatures presided over by an executive of elders accompanied by courts of women's and men's jurisdiction.

If, however, you would prefer to eliminate gender apatheid like the UK Greens Party who elect mandated male and female leadership, you should vote YES to an amendment to the Constitution to provide for women's and men's legislatures presided over by an executive of elders accompanied by courts of women's and men's jurisdiction.

31 October, 2007