governance a misfortune to experience
As an employee with the Australian government agency Centrelink my job was to interpret Australian law to determine entitlements for Australian citizens.In the year 2000 a Regional Manager came to my office promoting Machiavellian political propaganda warning of "adversaries who have the laws in their favour".
He declined to remove a display of the propaganda when I indicated to him that I felt uncomfortable treating Australian citizens as adversaries.
The Area Manager refused to intervene in poignant contempt of an unlawfully imposed Centrelink staff agreement then conspired with the Regional Manager to intentionally injure me with anxiety neurosis against explicit medical advice..
I approached the Federal member for the region, Ms Tanya Plibersek, whose office advised me to join the Commonwealth Public Sector Union.
A few days later the Regional Manager warned me in the presence of his deputy that I would be charged with harassment if I approached the CPSU delegate who provided me with a union membership application form to complete.
My health deteriorated and I was sacked in my absence on sick leave over spurious allegations of misconduct I was given no opportunity to refute.
A Commissioner for the Australian Industrial Relations Commission reviewed a pre-hearing submission alleging dozens of atrocities committed against me by Centrelink staff, including the prohibition of CPSU membership, and refused to allow the admission of any evidence whatsoever in my failed application for unfair dismissal, confirming the pervasive nature of the corruption of natural justice in the Howard regime.
The Howard legacy is a Public Service drowning in deceit, dishonesty and corruption.
At the very least Howard and his Cabinet cronies should be deprived by a properly constituted Parliament of all profits accrued in government prior to facing charges of fraud, dishonesty, deception and corruption before similarly constituted criminal courts.
The Howard regime is unilaterally the most dishonest and downright criminal governance the Australian nation has ever had the misfortune to experience.
How much better life would be if we weren't governed by cowards, cheats and corrupt officials.
Change Australia, change.