PM, Attorney-General compromise securityWith the Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs in turmoil following insidious attempts to implement government policy allegedly in violation of international law, the encumbent Minister conspired with the Prime Minister, both men, to install a woman as Minister to take the fallout from what both knew would be damning revelations of wilful dereliction of duty and bureaucratic incompetence.In so doing, the encumbent Philip Ruddock, now Attorney-General, and Prime Minister John Howard, hiding behind the skirts of the new Minister Amanda Vanstone, compromised the security of Australian citizens to a greater degree than has occurred in the history of the nation.
Like bomb-detonating terrorists, these men refuse women the fundamental right to make decisions about women's lives without interruption in the form of a women's legislature and to be judged by their peers in a women's jurisdiction.
A sign of weakness is a call to action in the war on terror raging between moderates and extremists in the denial of women's rights.
The cowardice displayed by Australia's Prime Minister and Attorney-General is a setback to the extent that the removal of their regime and it's replacement with a republic comprising women's and men's legislatures presided over by an executive of elders accompanied by courts of women's and men's jurisdiction is an obvious and urgent priority to safeguard the nation from terrorist attack.