state of mind
Mens rea is the state of mind indicating culpability which is required by statute as an element of a crime.It is the purpose of the Courts to discover the mens rea of a defendant in order to establish liability or guilt.
To this purpose Common, Civil and Statute law recognise a single women's and men's jurisdiction, yet both modern science and plain common sense are universally of the view that women and men exhibit distinctly different states of mind.
In the absence of women's and men's jurisdictions judgement in the Courts is a matter of women and men speculating as to each others' states of mind.
The outcome is an inefficient and ineffective, recidivist judicial system fraught with bias in stark contrast with what the delivery of justice is meant to be.
No man should ever obtain final judgement over a woman and no woman should ever obtain final judgement over a man if the judicial principal of mens rea is to be obeyed.
In the absence of women's and men's jurisdictions judgement at Common, Civil and Statute law is rendered unsafe by judicial principle.