women call for rule of lawThe head of the Fiji Women's Rights Movement, Virisila Buadromo's, call for lawful processes to resolve the standoff between the Government and the military prior to commander Commodore Voreqe Bainimarama's declaration of a state of emergency, flags a long-term political solution for a nation encumbered by recurring military coups.
"We, Fiji Islanders, wish to solve our problems using the rule of law", Ms Buadromo said.
"This might involve challenging legislation that is unconstitutional or in violation of human rights, as has been done before, or voting out a government in a general election - but not by supporting the illegal removal of a government through the rule of the gun".
A Constituton providing for government comprising women's and men's legislatures presided over by an executive of elders accompanied by courts of womens and men's jurisdiction would strengthen women's influence in politics, consolidate the rule of law and establish authentic, equitable, democracy in the island nation.
07 December, 2006