
send feedback here


21 December, 2005
[Re: legacy to haunt a nation]

Dear Philip,

Thank you for your correspondence regarding the Anti-Terrorism Bill (No. 2) 2005.

I appreciate and share your concerns about the potential impact of this legislation, and vocally opposed it when it was debated in the Senate last week. Unfortunately, due to the Government’s majority in the Senate, this bill passed with minor amendment. ...

Yours sincerely,

Natasha Stott Despoja

Senator for South Australia
Democrats' Attorney General Spokesperson



25 November, 2005
[Re: legacy to haunt a nation]

Mr Philip Mckeon

Dear Mr Mckeon

I acknowledge and thank you for your email of 18 November 2005 in relation to Industrial relations and the war in Iraq.

Your email will be brought to the Premier's attention.

Yours Sincerely

Amy Stokes

Office of the Premier



21 November, 2005
[Re: legacy to haunt a nation]

Dear Mr McKeon

Thank you for your message and objection to the Government's anti terrorism bill. The Australian Democrats will vote against this legislation for all the reasons you cite!

In our view, no case has been made that these new laws are necessary or will be effective in fighting terrorism. The bill offends against the most fundamental civil rights and international covenants signed by Australia. This is the advice received from human rights and legal bodies, academics and very concerned citizens such as yourself.

The following is a statement which gives you more detail on our position.

As you may know, the Senate was recalled to pass a minor change to the current act on what was said to be an immediate terrorist threat to this country. It is our opinion that the amendment was not needed and had more to do with getting the draconian IR package and criticisms of the main bills off the front pages than protecting the country.

You will find Democrats Senators' speeches from the re-called Senate sitting and in the upcoming debate on our website You will also find details of our campaign on this issue.

The Government did at least agree to our proposal to extend the inquiry into the legislation from one day to three weeks. The Senate Legal and Constitutional Legislation Committee will report back to the Senate on 28 November 2005. The Democrats are encouraging as many concerned citizens as possible to send their views to this Committee Inquiry. Please email to make your position known to the committee.

Despite the criticisms, the ALP seems likely to join the Howard Government in passing the legislation so the inquiry will be important in informing the general public as well as the two major parties of the dangers of going down this path.

If you are in Melbourne you may also be interested in attending the below forum. Thanks again for your email.


Senator Lyn Allison



18 November, 2005
[Re: legacy to haunt a nation]

Dear Mr McKeon

Thank you for your email to the Premier of Victoria of 20 October 2005 regarding counter-terrorism legislation. ...

Yours sincerely


Chief of Staff



15 November, 2005
[Re: forfeiture of citizenship]

Hon Tony Stewart MP
Member for Bankstown
Parliamentary Secretary

On behalf of Mitch Williams MP - Member for MacKillop - Please find attached email received in the MacKillop Electorate Office (South Australia) which is addressed to you as NSW Parliamentary Secretary for Police.

Forwarding for your attention.


Di Casimaty

Personal Assistant to
Mitch Williams MP - Member for MacKillop
30 Ormerod Street, Naracoorte SA 5271




03 November, 2005
[Re: forfeiture of citizenship]

Dear Mr McKeon

Thank you for your message and objection to the Government's anti terrorism bills which the Democrats will vote against, for all the reasons you cite!

In our view, no case has been made that these new laws are necessary or will be effective in fighting terrorism. The bill offends against the most fundamental civil rights and international covenants signed by Australia. This is the advice received from human rights and legal bodies, academics and very concerned citizens such as yourself.

The following is a statement I put out this week which gives you more detail on our position.

As you may know, the Senate was recalled this week to pass a minor change to the current act on what is said to be an immediate terrorist threat to this country. We think this amendment is not needed for the Government to take action against that threat, and has more to do with getting the draconian IR package and criticisms of the main bills off the front pages of the press, than protecting the country.

You will find Democrats Senators' speeches from the re-called Senate sitting and in the upcoming debate on our website You will also find details of our campaign on this issue.

The Government has at least agreed this week to our proposal to extend the inquiry into the legislation from one day to three weeks and the Senate Legal and Constitutional Legislation Committee will report back to the Senate on 28 November 2005. The Democrats are encouraging as many concerned citizens as possible to send their views to this Committee Inquiry. Please email to make your position known to the committee.

Despite the criticisms, the ALP seems likely to join the Howard Government in passing the legislation so the inquiry will be important in informing the general public as well as the two major parties of the dangers of going down this path.

Thanks again for your email. We will keep you informed of developments.


Senator Lyn Allison

Leader, Australian Democrats



15 September, 2005
[Re: equity in the delivery of justice]

I admit I did read what you had to say and carefully considered your view.

Your conclusion however is absolute nonsense.

While I often disagree with the decisions of the judiciary, your ideas of a half-assed group of so-called elders, males and females, with minds that are physiologically similar making such decisions simply proves you know nothing of men or woman - to not have at least some understanding of one or the other is truly a feat?

David Oldfield

Member of Parliament, NSW



18 August, 2005
[Re:Australia tortures another women's rights supporter]

Thanks for the info.

[name supplied]



July 29, 2005
[Re: Truth and Reconciliation Commission]

This is an excellent article Philip, Thank you for sending this to me.

[name supplied]