cycles of civilisation
The rise and fall of civilisation can be analysed from a number of perspectives.
child abuse
In response to calls for a prohibition on taking photographs of children
at sports carnivals in case someone might abuse the privilege, experts
Chris Goddard and Joe Tucci claim that child abuse, in all its forms,
has always been a problem.
Reconciliation and Constitutional Reform
The Sydney Morning Herald reported recently that "Sydney Aborigines have
finally buried 14 ancestors whose remains were stolen in the name of
science during the earliest years of European settlement" [ A stolen
generation comes home, 4 March 2005].
A world without war
Never used to be war and global conflict.
state of mind
Mens rea is the state of mind indicating culpability which is required
by statute as an element of a crime.
Pretending to be a man
Corporate management in denial of difference between women and men is
burying centuries of female potential according to Allison Pearson writing
in The Guardian.
road rules
Women use a different part of the brain to men when driving reports
Tim Colquhoun in the Sydney Morning Herald about research conducted
by Dr Malcolm Mills, a lecturer in neurosciences at the University of
Southern Queensland.
personal wealth
Research carried out by the Centre for Economics and Business Research
predicts women will own 60 per cent of Britain's personal wealth by
2025 "with many using their professional and personal skills to
extraordinary financial effect", reports the London Telegraph.
diversity and life experience
"Popular confidence in public institutions requires that they reflect
the composition of the wider society" writes Simon Evans, director of the
Centre for Comparative Constitutional Studies at Melbourne Law School,
in the Sydney Morning Herald.
the right to interrupt
From July 1, a record number of sixty-four women, almost one in three,
will occupy seats in the Australian Parliament, an increase from six of
188 "at the height of the feminist revolution", writes Paul Sheehan
in the Sydney Morning Herald.
Feathering the nest of the filthy rich
What kind of decision-making forces single mothers and sick people to find
paid employment so the most affluent can increase their wealth?
Security, terrorism and defence think tanks
Writing in the Sydney Morning Herald on the absence of women from
Australia's international security, terrorism and defence think tanks,
Professor Stephanie Fahey, director of the Research Institute for Asia
and the Pacific, Sydney University and chairwoman of the National
Committee of Women in International Security Australia, highlights
the difference women bring to discussions.
An evil Coalition
The Australian Constitution has delivered the nation a Coalition of
such despicable persuasion there can be no question of it's demise.
Australia's paedophile-like Prime Minister
Torturing a child with confinement behind razor wire in an immigration
detention centre is an act of violence not unlike paedophilia.
women's rights and the war on terror
The war on terror is all about women's rights.
PM, Attorney-General compromise security
With the Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs in turmoil following insidious
attempts to implement government policy allegedly in violation of
international law, the encumbent Minister conspired with the Prime
Minister, both men, to install a woman as Minister to take the fallout
from what both knew would be damning revelations of wilful dereliction of
duty and bureaucratic incompetence.
Howard lies to bomb victim
Political expediency plumbed new depths with Australian Prime Minister John Howard lying to a London bombing victim on prime time TV about the nature of the attack.
Truth and Reconciliation
Styled on the South African experience, Australians can look forward to a Truth and Reconciliation Commission when the nation becomes a republic following the depths to which the Coalition has sunk in government.
Centrelink accused of killing a customer
An Australian Broadcasting Authority investigation has found Federal welfare agency Centrelink has a case to answer over the suicide of a customer.
PM snubs the Queen
Australia is a constitutional monarchy in name only following unconditional
support from Prime Minister John Howard for the military show trial of a
citizen held captive in a foreign prison.
Australia tortures another women's rights supporter
Consistent with the Howard government's policy of torturing supporters of
women's rights in the Australian Public Service, allegations have emerged
in the Supreme Court of NSW of the torture of a refugee over support for
the rights of women in Iran.
women's jurisdiction ready for recognition
The nomination by a retiring High Court judge of ten women eligible for
appointment as his replacement to the seven member bench signals the
readiness of Australia's justice system to recognise a women's jurisdiction
alongside the men's jurisdiction already illegitimately in place.
scandalising the judiciary
'A woman has exactly the same chance of receiving a fair trial in Australia
as if she was tried by terrorists, absolutely nil.'
High Court in crisis
The High Court of Australia is under seige following complaints of gagging
by the press and calls from the Law Reform Commission and the head of the
Judicial Conference of Australia, Justice Ronald Sackville, to allow
criticism of the judiciary.
lame duck president abandons a nation
Confidence in the Office of the President of the United States of America
has plummeted as the encumbent George W. Bush reels from crisis to
catastrophe of his own creation.
Kevin Buzzacott, Arabunna elder, convicted for reclaiming cultural symbols
equity in the delivery of justice
Who has the right to determine what is equitable between women and men?
legislature impotent on terror
Playing directly into the hands of terrorists, Australian Prime Minister
John Howard has proposed legislation which virtually mirrors existing law
in an obvious attempt to terrify the nation's citizens while feigning a
tough stand on terror to maintain electoral support.
honorary male appointed to High Court
The recent appointment of Justice Susan Crennan to the High Court of
Australia is the second occasion on which an honorary male has taken
a seat on the nation's most prestigious court following the appointment
of Justice Mary Gaudron, since retired.
insurgents score major victory
Australian Prime Minister John Howard's proposal for draconian laws to
counter terrorism is a major victory for insurgents across the globe as
the Coalition of the Willing slides further into a quagmire of quisling
forfeiture of citizenship
Australian Prime Minister John Howard and his cohorts are treading a fine
line; the penalty for removing the right to criticise a democratic
constitution is the forfeiture of citizenship.
collapse of the neocons
The neocon revival is no exception to the rule that social fads flourish and fade.
legacy to haunt a nation
As an aging Australian Prime Minister John Howard approaches retirement
the priorities of government have changed to secure his legacy.
massive damage to children
An inquiry has heard that policies pursued by Australian Prime Minister
John Howard and former Immigration Minister Philip Ruddock have caused
massive damage to children detained behind razor wire in immigration prisons.
men with adolescent minds
It takes men with adolescent minds to boss over women and this is precisely
the conundrum the modern world will overcome to achieve world peace.
Diversity has failed women. Whilst barriers have fallen and women have taken
up occupations and professions from which they were previously excluded,
recognition of the diversity of the sexes has yet to be implemented.
backsliding into facism
As the empowerment of women ushers in an age of everlasting world peace and
community prosperity, the adolescent minded male insurgents occupying
government in Australia backslide belatedly into facism, described
eloquently in the Sydney Morning Herald by correspondent
Emil H. Witton of Chatswood:
monkeys outsmart politicians
Coinciding with the passage of obsolete sedition legislation providing for
seven years to life imprisonment for criticising Parliament by what has
become a panick-stricken Australian government, scientists have demonstrated
how monkeys are more clever than judges and politicians.
copyright brigitte unicorn and
philip mckeon 2004-05